2013.03. - 2017.02. |
Ph.D. Graduate School of EEWS (Energy, Environment, Water, and Sustainability), KAIST, Republic of Korea |
2011.09. - 2013.02. |
M.S. Graduate School of EEWS (Energy, Environment, Water, and Sustainability), KAIST, Republic of Korea |
2006.03. - 2011.02. |
B.S. Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, Republic of Korea |
Professional activities
2022.07. - present |
겸임교수 의과대학, 고려대학교 안산병원 |
2022.01. - present |
학회지편집위원 한국전기전자재료학회 (KIEEME) |
2022.01. - prenset |
교육분과위원 한국고분자학회 |
2021.01. - present |
학회지편집위원 한국고분자학회 |
2020.03. - present |
조교수 화공생명공학과, 공과대학, 고려대학교 |
2017.03. - 2020.02 |
Postdoctoral fellow Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada, (Advisor: Prof. Edward H. Sargent) |
2017.03. - 2017.08 |
박사후연구원 Applied Science Research Institute, KAIST |
2022.03 포스코사이언스펠로우, 포스코청암재단
2021.11 미원상사 신진연구자상, 한국공업화학회
2018.06 RSCawards, QD2018, Canada
2017.03 The 3rd best dissertation award, EEWS, Korea
2015.11 The best paper award, PVSEC-25, Korea
2014.10 The best English oral presentation, PSK, Korea
2014.05 Fusion research award, KINC, Korea
2013.09 Best poster presentation, KPVS, Korea
2012.04 Outstanding Research Award , KINC, Korea